Buddhist Philosophy in Economics Episode 09 -B
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Buddhist Philosophy in Economics Episode 09

 The orphaned Chao Chet has a commendable level of effort. Chao Chet strives to study to the level of Prakas Niyaptra. When his father died, Chao Chet lived alone. After receiving advice from a good doctor, Chao Chet went to work at Mr. Luang Rattanasambat's house as a jade worker. This work requires physical strength to withstand the heat and rain. Chao Chet does not complain and is honest and knows how to help Neang Khun Naray. Mr. Luang Rattanasambat makes the two see the ability of the mind and perseverance. Neang Khun Naray, who used to hate Chao Chet before, turned into love and was happy to share a life with Chao Chet until the end of his days.
Writing: Effort, Success, Part 2 (End)
The story of Tum Teav, the literary work of the monk Som, also has content related to effort. Tum Bos studied since he was a child at Wat Vihear Thom, striving to learn the profound knowledge of education. In addition to studying numbers, Tum learned to read until he was proficient in the skills and received the title of the king. If there was no mother to hinder his happiness, Tum would certainly live in peace and prosperity. In the ancient literature, the story of the Mahavesant Bodhisattva, the character of the Vesant Bodhisattva, has one desire: to become enlightened as a Buddha to save all people from suffering and go to Nirvana. He had to save his life by donating five kinds of alms: wealth, body, life, children, and wife. Among these great alms, it was not easy to fulfill, and he had to face many conflicts. For example, when he donated an elephant and five dragons to the people of Kalinga, it angered the people of Srei Pirastra and drove him out of the kingdom. Vessantara followed the people without regretting the kingdom and traveled to Mount Kirivangat, willing to endure all kinds of hardships without complaining until the people stopped being angry and invited him to come and reign. All the great donations yielded results for him to become the Buddha as he had desired. Speaking of the story of the Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva was born with only one purpose: to practice virtue and avoid the sin of killing. After hearing that his father had sentenced the four thieves to death so severely, the Bodhisattva seemed afraid that when he grew up, he would be sentenced to death as a king like his father. He also made himself deaf and mute for fifteen years. Once a year, his father had him tested to see if the Bodhisattva would no longer be disabled and could reign. But the Bodhisattva did not move or feel anything. The father also ordered the chief to bury the royal child outside the palace. After losing his power, he rose up and went to build a house to fulfill his dream. Finally, in the folk tale of a husband and wife who spread the sea water, the characters of a husband and wife spread the sea water to get gold, diamonds, and glass beads according to their dreams. Both the husband and wife tried to spread the water little by little until the sea water was about to overflow. The frightened fish stopped the husband and wife and gave the husband and wife a large amount of diamonds and glass beads to enjoy for the rest of their lives. In short, effort is sure to be successful. Whatever work there are always obstacles as long as people strive to succeed because what people achieve always starts from patience, using both physical strength, intelligence, and time until they get the desired results.
Through the explanation above, we can conclude that the main idea raised really has a profound meaning, not only does it imply a high educational value. Everyone wants success in life, and no success comes without effort. Therefore, if people want a better life, they must struggle against all obstacles and never give up hope. Then life will surely bring happiness.
Efforts are successful
“There is a mouth to speak, hands to do, and feet to walk.” This is true (Satyanamut).
Although creating an account on the Internet is easy, but if it is lost due to a bad person, now I feel sorry for the loss of my dear and beloved friends with whom we used to communicate every day. But even so, I still have hope and look for those friends again. Whatever I used to do, I have to try harder, but try to do it in a way that is suitable for the Buddha’s theory that “Efforts are successful, but do not try in the wrong way.”
Efforts are successful as desired
Definition: Saving little by little can achieve your goals.
All kinds of work are born from all efforts, because if you don't try, you will definitely not reach your goal. In addition, effort is the root of all decisions and all intentions. Even studying takes effort as a result to reach and grasp the desired decision.
In this sense, he also thinks that making alms should also be done gradually until you achieve the desired result. For example:
• A small termite tries to collect dust and pile it up in one place, and over time it forms a large pile.
• A sculptor tries to carve a stone slab little by little, and eventually it appears in various images that suit your purpose.
• A poor man tries to save money little by little, and over time he becomes a big businessman.
• A young man tries to study hard until he becomes a doctor.

💡 Wow! Analyze the proverb, because although it is easy to read and understand, the meaning is very good. 🙏🏽🤍
The phrase “Don't spend according to your desires”
Of course, people's desires have no limits. We see some people who spend within limits, because they can control their income.(Buddhist Philosophy in Economics Episode 09)

Credit By :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhist_economics

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