A Message of Gratitude to Cambodia -B
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A Message of Gratitude to Cambodia

A Message of Gratitude to Cambodia
Dear Cambodia,
Thank you for understanding my heart. I have stood by you, and during this challenging time, you have stood by me. Amidst a whirlwind of emotions, I want to assure you that my love for your beautiful country and its wonderful people remains unwavering. I believe in a kind and forgiving God, and He has heard your prayers on my behalf.
No situation can change how I feel about you.
We are all human and constantly growing. I see this experience as a chance to strengthen my resolve to do better. I understand that being in the public eye has its ups and downs—“heavy is the head that wears the crown.”
As someone who holds the title of United Kingdom, I believe in uniting kingdoms, including the Kingdom of Cambodia. I speak six languages, and I am currently learning Khmer to deepen my connection with your culture. I want to foster understanding and celebrate our shared humanity.
Crown or no crown, I hope to call Cambodia my second home. To those who thrive on conflict, I choose peace. In a world filled with division, I will not apologize for embracing your country with open arms. It’s essential to appreciate and love without ignorance.
Thank you for seeing my true nature and for standing by me through it all. Winning your hearts means more to me than any crown.
With all my love,  
Chelsea Rose Mandizha  
Miss Planet United Kingdom 2024 💖


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