🇮🇩| The technique of giving color and pattern to a piece of cloth does come from previous civilizations -B
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🇮🇩| The technique of giving color and pattern to a piece of cloth does come from previous civilizations

 🇮🇩| The technique of giving color and pattern to a piece of cloth does come from previous civilizations, such as ancient Egyptian civilization, ancient India, and ancient China, even long before those great civilizations were born. But the word "batik" and the philosophical meaning of batik do come from Java, this is proven by the discovery of archaeological evidence, the word "Batik" itself with the philosophy of local wisdom of Indonesia itself is not found in others great civilizations in the world.

It is true that there is no civilization or culture in this world that is not influenced by other cultural or civilizations, but where the process of cultural acculturation occurs, the product of the acculturation comes from. Not all patterned and colored fabrics are called "Batik" ... the word "batik" is exclusively found in Java.

Classical Indonesia


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