According to the sommohona tantra -B
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According to the sommohona tantra

According to the sommohona tantra, the tantra that allowed him to become universal sovereign (devaraja) he had to make a mandala by drawing a lotus with 4 axes, whose main axis would be Tumbhori an avatar of the god shiva.
The avatar of the god shiva is surrounded by his 4 shakti which are among others: Jayanti/Aparajita/Vijaya/Jaya.
The tantra that was taught to Sivakaivalya who is the brahmin of jayavarman the second is a tantra from Cambodia, according to the inscriptions, and according to George cœdes the tantra is originate from prassat mlu that was an Hindu sanctuary of the khmer empire .
The architecture and magical powers of tantra were represented almost everywhere in Khmer architecture.
It goes from the motifs of the Apsaras, to the architecture of the temples with 4 doors up to the representation of the god Shiva or his avatar Thumbhori which is depicted with 4 lower faces and then with an upper face, enthroned on the top.
The lotus was the emblem of Khmer art, the Khmer weaved silks made with the lotus, the lotus was also a symbol of power and banner on the flag of the Khmer King like Jayavarman VII, it has been for a very long time to think that the spire of Angkor (Prang) were lotus buds that were not blooming yet .
The 2000 apsaras of Angkor watt has Lotus ornaments with 4 petals surrounding its stigma, looking at Khmer architecture, like Baphuong/Baphuon/ Baksei chamkrong , Neak poan, phimenakas as angkor watt the Khmer temples had 4 doors on the majority of each temples (West/east/north and South)
Most of these temples were designed to reproduce the appearance of « mountain temple » which represents Mount Meru and Mount Kailash, by builders who compared themselves to the « God King/Devaraja »
The temple of Angkor watt has 4 towers that surround the main ruling tower,
Exactly in the same way as the approach in the art of Bayon as the temple of Preah khan, shows us 4 entrances whose balustrades in front of the doors are represented by 4 Nagas to which they lead us to the first Lotus or lotus bud architecture (Prang)
The more we approach the enclosure of the middle tower, the more we discover oratory walls 4 apsaras.
Sitting on 4 pools at each corner
Angkor watt also has 4 altars that surround the main tower.
The windows of Angkor watt respect the code of 4 to 5 bars Carved in a rounded shape with lotus patterns like lotus vases piled together vertically to become the bars of the windows
embedded in the stone and roof at which the sunset can reveal to us the shadow of the temple of Angkor watt with these 5 pillars
Seen from the sky, from the main tower, the main tower would be framed by 4 squares, as if it respected the construction code of Jayavarman's lotus mandala the second.
Who answers the question of why the shiva Linga or the architecture of Khmer temples are relatively very different from their Indian cousins or contemporaries.
To still be at the end surrounded by 2 small basins of water like the Baphuon basins where Phimeanakas
Angkor watt has the same kind of architecture as the shiva lingam of the phnom kulen, and the way of The construction of temples mentioned in the sommohona tantra, a tantra among the 4 that would have made Jayavarman II the Devaraja.
Angkor watt as Baphuon, Phimeanakas, Preah khan or phimai in Thailand is a Mount Kailash reproduction of typical Khmer mountain temple architecture art.
During the solstices thanks to its location below the golden number, the sun is reflected on the towers of Angkor watt to illustrate it in the image of Mont meru and its gold peaks. To whom no brahmin in India or scholar in Thailand can understand his architecture in order to reproduce it.
The stairs are long, high and super steep as if they had to be climbed as one should climb the mountains or the Himalayas in the Hindu tradition in order to gain enlightenment (moksha) the enlightenment which is the sarashara the seventh chakra on our forehead which, according to Hindu doctrine, is intended to bloom like flower
The first floor is really very high, as for that of the Baphuon to then stand up columns to which their stairs are high and steep, in order to reveal to us a unique architecture, like the waterfalls of Phnom kulen, when the rain pours on the top of the mountain Khmer architecture
The columns are 5 in number, a single upper column reigns in the middle of 4 lower columns, and according to Khmer architecture it represents the Lotus Buds.
But according to the tantra of Jayavarman II, It represents a lotus of 4 petals to which the 4 petals are the shakti of an avatar of Shiva reigning in the middle
In the same way that Gautama buddha was compared to a marvelous lotus sitting on a pool of ignorant dark buoy.
Here is an excerpt from a tantra by Jayavarman : 26-32b: Construction of a mandala of Tumbhori and the Four Goddesses. The mandala has a square form and is provided with four gates. Within it, a lotus with four petals is designed in the colours white (for Jaya, in the East), red (for Vijaya, in the S.), yellow (for Ajita, in the W.), and black (for Aparajita, in the N.). The centre, in four colours, belongs to tumbhori . The deities are symbolized by their bījas.
32c-36b. Worship of the Five on their mandala. Some elements of worship are enumerated in quick succession.
Source : Tantra of Jayavarman II .


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